Sunday, October 10, 2010

"All Star" of the Week!

This week's "All Star" is none other than Adrienne! Here is some information about this lovely lady so you can get to know her a bit better....

Full name: Adrienne Marie Gallet

Nickname: None

Which three adjectives best describe you?: enthusiastic, caring, dedicated

Where are you from?: I grew up in San Diego.

What do you do for fun?: I like to go hiking on the weekend. I have a book of 101 hikes in Southern California that I’m slowly chipping away at. I also like to cook and am a huge Disney fan.

Top songs on your itunes playlist right now: I just downloaded some Justin Bieber—he’s very popular in the second grade right now.

Favorite Adult Beverage: I like La Palomas (tequila, lime juice, and grapefruit soda).

Favorite Restaurant: I used to live up in LA and loved going to The Counter in Santa Monica. I’ve been meaning to try the one in Irvine.

What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?: I was Snow White several times. My Mom made me a costume that I adored; I wish it still fit!

What’s the best (or worst) thing that has happened to you during your fieldwork thus far?: After my first read-aloud one of the students asked me if I would read to them everyday. I knew that I was having a great time reading to the class, but it was so rewarding to hear that they were enjoying it too. 

Favorite Holiday: I’m a big fan of holidays, but I think my favorite would have to be Christmas. It’s so festive that time of year.

Guilty Pleasure: Must-see Thursdays, particularly The Office and Grey’s Anatomy.

What made you want to become a teacher?: I love working with kids and want every child to have the education they need to be successful.

And if I'm not mistaken the restaurant "The Counter" is now in Costa Mesa! If anyone feels like chowin' down on a custom-built gourmet burger with our girl Adrienne be sure to give her a call! 

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday! We have a number of assignments due tomorrow so don't forget to complete the following if you haven't yet:
  • Bring in a decodable book for ED 326 and a multicultural book for ED 329
  • Phonics Chapter Summary/Group Presentation
  • Chapter 5 in the Gunning text
  • Chapter 2 Discussion points
  • Online Discussion Board for ED 303

See you all tomorrow!
-Your Student Reps

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