Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A note about Birthdays!

Hey Guys! October has been a busy month for Cohort A Birthdays. Your student reps previously decided that we would celebrate the birthdays for each month on one day, so even though we don't always celebrate on your actual day, we are still so happy to have you in our group and wish you a wonderful and memorable year. 

So even though your actual days have already passed, here is a big Happy Birthday to Laurie, Nahal, Megan, Janelle, and Liz!!! You guys are awesome, we are all so happy to have you in our group, we wish you a wonderfully memorable year, and we are looking forward to singing you all a very disjointed "Happy Birthday!" 

And one more thing... Below is the list of birthdays for the year! Megan had the great idea to post them on the blog so you could do something special for each others' birthdays on your own. Nice thinking Megan! Even though the picture is pretty tiny, I hope it helps you get an idea of whose birthday is when.

See you all tomorrow for P.E. Good luck to all the groups that are presenting! You will do awesome!!

Don't forget to bring in $5 for the Halloween Pizza Party on Friday and a darling photo of you as a K-6th grader...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cohort A "All-Star" of the Week

Hey guys! Sorry this All-Star Interview is debuting a little late in the afternoon.... 
All I have to say is you will be glad you waited to find out more about our 
All-Star, Nahal!!

Full name: Nahal Asgari

Nahalie, Panda, Bally ball… I tend to answer to some weird names nowadays

Which three adjectives best describe you?:
friendly, reliable, passionate

Where are you from?:
Laguna Niguel, CA

What do you do for fun?:
I love being outdoors- the beach, hiking, swimming, running. I also love traveling. I studied abroad in Paris for four months and had the opportunity to travel to a handful of other countries during that time. I’ve also been to Europe a couple of times before that and to some other great places! Next on my list… Australia!

Top songs on your itunes playlist right now:
No specific songs, but I’m really liking country right now...

Favorite Adult Beverage:

Favorite Restaurant:
Too many to choose from, but I love Sushi and Italian!

If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be and why?:
Obamaaa! I think it would be amazing to meet our president and to just sit down and have a little chat with him!

Favorite TV show(s) and why:
Friends, The Office and Modern Family because they are all so hilarious! Ellen because, well, come on who doesn’t like Ellen?

What’s the best (or worst) thing that has happened to you during your fieldwork thus far?:
My kids sang happy birthday to me and handed me a birthday book they put together. Each of them wrote something and drew a picture. It is so adorable!

Favorite Sport to play or watch:
I love watching Football and Basketball!

Any pet peeves?:
Constant negativity… don’t worry, be happy!

Any phobias?:
No, but I’m not a fan of the little creepy crawlers.

What made you want to become a teacher?
I absolutely love working with kids! I think it is so important for them to have teachers in their early years that truly care about them and their education. I also love how they get so excited about the littlest things, its contagious!

So basically if you love any form of physical activity or you need someone to put a smile on your face, Nahal is your girl! 

Hope you all enjoyed reading about our All-Star this week! Good luck everyone with studying for ED 326!! 

P.s. Be on the lookout for a post about Birthdays in the next couple of days. One of your fellow candidates had a great idea to post all the birthdays on the blog!! 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

"All Star" of the Week!

This week's "All Star" is none other than Adrienne! Here is some information about this lovely lady so you can get to know her a bit better....

Full name: Adrienne Marie Gallet

Nickname: None

Which three adjectives best describe you?: enthusiastic, caring, dedicated

Where are you from?: I grew up in San Diego.

What do you do for fun?: I like to go hiking on the weekend. I have a book of 101 hikes in Southern California that I’m slowly chipping away at. I also like to cook and am a huge Disney fan.

Top songs on your itunes playlist right now: I just downloaded some Justin Bieber—he’s very popular in the second grade right now.

Favorite Adult Beverage: I like La Palomas (tequila, lime juice, and grapefruit soda).

Favorite Restaurant: I used to live up in LA and loved going to The Counter in Santa Monica. I’ve been meaning to try the one in Irvine.

What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?: I was Snow White several times. My Mom made me a costume that I adored; I wish it still fit!

What’s the best (or worst) thing that has happened to you during your fieldwork thus far?: After my first read-aloud one of the students asked me if I would read to them everyday. I knew that I was having a great time reading to the class, but it was so rewarding to hear that they were enjoying it too. 

Favorite Holiday: I’m a big fan of holidays, but I think my favorite would have to be Christmas. It’s so festive that time of year.

Guilty Pleasure: Must-see Thursdays, particularly The Office and Grey’s Anatomy.

What made you want to become a teacher?: I love working with kids and want every child to have the education they need to be successful.

And if I'm not mistaken the restaurant "The Counter" is now in Costa Mesa! If anyone feels like chowin' down on a custom-built gourmet burger with our girl Adrienne be sure to give her a call! 

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday! We have a number of assignments due tomorrow so don't forget to complete the following if you haven't yet:
  • Bring in a decodable book for ED 326 and a multicultural book for ED 329
  • Phonics Chapter Summary/Group Presentation
  • Chapter 5 in the Gunning text
  • Chapter 2 Discussion points
  • Online Discussion Board for ED 303

See you all tomorrow!
-Your Student Reps

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"All-Star" of the Week

Happy Sunday Funday Everybody! 
This week's "All-star" is none other than Maddie James. Enjoy!!

Full name: Madelyn Rashelle James

Nickname: Maddie, Madd, Madd dog

Which three adjectives best describe you?: loyal, passionate, and humorous

Where are you from?: Born, raised, and currently living in Laguna Hills, CA

What do you do for fun?: I love to travel. I went to Europe over the summer for over 3 weeks and went to 8 eight different countries! The summer before last, I drove across the country for one month, mainly staying in the south. My boyfriend and I decided to go to as many college football games as we could on the trip! I love the south, definitely could see myself living out there. I also love yoga, strength training and running outdoors. My absolute number one passion is riding horses.

Favorite TV show(s) and why: America’s Next Top Model, Real World and I have to say…Jersey Shore. ANTM is just fun and Real World and Jersey Shore is purely entertaining. Entourage and Family Feud are awesome too.

Favorite Adult Beverage: Fat Tire Amber Ale

Single, Dating, or married: Just celebrated my 9 year anniversary with my boyfriend on Sept. 22nd. Wedding is in the future J

Favorite Food: Oh man, so tough! Mac n Cheese, Pizza, Fettuccini Alfredo, Funfetti Cake. Definitely a fat kid at heart.

Favorite sport to play or watch: Love to watch football, but love to watch equestrian more. Favorite sport is horseback riding-English, hunter/jumper.

What’s the best or worst thing that has happened to you during your fieldwork thus far?: Being placed with my master teacher, Leslie Whitaker. Everything we talk about in class can directly be related to her teaching.

Biggest fear: Losing loved ones, including my pets!

Favorite Holiday: 4th of July because I love summer, hot dogs, beer and fireworks!

What’s your guilty pleasure?: Dark Chocolate and Doughnuts

What made you want to become a teacher?: A couple of my teachers in elementary school have inspired me. It also helped that I use to play “teacher” as a kid. (I loved giving spelling tests!)

 So now that football season's started, be sure to invite Maddie to watch a game and sip a beer... or two!

See you all on Monday! 
"A" Love