Friday, September 24, 2010

Cohort A "All-Star" of the Week

One thing we discussed during our Student Rep. meeting today is that we want meaningful relationships to develop among our cohort members. To begin facilitating this goal, we have decided to feature weekly bio's from each of our Amazing group members. The Cohort A "All-Star" of the Week will attempt to help you get to know your fellow candidates, find commonalities and, hopefully, create lasting friendships.

This week's spotlight is on the lovely Heather
(Snaps to her for being such a good sport and going first!)

Full name:
Heather Rose Fitzgerald

The kids call me Miss Fitz J

Which three adjectives best describe you?: 
Compassionate,  Creative, and Determined

Where are you from?:
I grew up in Lake Arrowhead which is on the same mountain as Big Bear. It is a pretty small town and I totally took the location for granted until I moved away. I miss the lake and the snow but I love the beach so I’m okay with just visiting now.

What do you do for fun?:
I have taken dance classes all my life so I love anything involving dancing. I guess other hobby type things are wakeboarding, painting, going to the beach, and getting together with friends. Oh, and sharing life with my boyfriend Mark!

Favorite Movie or Movie Star and why:
I really can’t think of one specific movie or person. I can say that the type of movies I like to watch are always action movies. I totally take after my Dad in that aspect…. you know, stuff blowing up, car chases…. but I can’t leave out Harry Potter <3

Favorite Adult Beverage:
I’m still stuck on Mojitos from the summer.

Favorite Food:
Chile Rellenos! I love almost any type of Mexican food because my Mom’s side of the family is Mexican and Native American…. contrary to my pale skin.

Most memorable vacation or trip (who were you with, why was it the best):
I am sure there are more wholesome vacations I would choose if I thought longer about this, but the one that comes to mind is a recent Vegas trip. It was for my 21st birthday and my Dad decided to spoil me and my roommates. The five of us stayed at the Mirage, saw the show LOVE which is the Beatles themed Cirque du Soleil show, and somehow got a free limo ride plus $300 dollars worth of free food and beverages. We tried gambling and all came away from the weekend with more than what we spent. (All innocent, teacher-ish activities of course).

What’s the best or worst thing that has happened to you during your fieldwork thus
The best thing that has happened is my placement! I’m at Top of the World Elementary in Laguna Beach in fourth grade with my pair Liz Marengo and Mr. Kull (pronounced Mr. Cool….. seriously).

Favorite Holiday:
I love Halloween! I always make costumes myself because I’m a borderline neurotic artsy/craftsy person like that.

If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?:
I would want to be a dolphin because then I could explore the unknowns of the ocean.

What made you want to become a teacher?:
I don’t have any one moment in time where I discovered that I wanted to be a teacher. Although, I definitely remember that out of all the Christmases, the most sought after gift I received was a white board, stand, and dry-erase markers. My third grade teacher also played a role, along with my English teacher who was the only high school teacher who let on that he was actually there for us, not for himself.

So if you love chile rellenos, mojitos, Vegas, or Halloween (and who doesn't?), make sure to get to know our Heather! Have a great weekend everyone and be on the lookout for next week's "All-Star!"

"A" Love

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